Protect Your Dream 2018

Toffee Insurance


Defining our 20s, a short and sweet window of time that we live through, adventurous days when we’re making enough money without the burden of age and responsibility weighing in.

What we do during this period will forever define who we are, what we’ll be, and how we’ll leave our mark. So, the time to figure out ‘the dream’ is now. It’s time to make it happen, this 2018. It’s time to #takerisks.

And as we make our grand plans, let’s take a moment, a quick pause, to make sure that it’s protected. Protected from all sorts of ‘normal & mundane’ or even the ‘crazy’ stuff that can happen along the way.

At Toffee, we bring targeted, relevant policies to the table that are ‘compact’, enabling you to handpick what’s most relevant to you.

Let’s say your big plan is as adventurous as making a documentary on the last vestiges of the Great Barrier Reef. Just before you take off for it, you:

  1. Gather your financial resources
  2. Liquidate a few savings
  3. Sign up for a gym membership (because you have to look good for it!)
  4. Set up your equipment for a few dry runs
  5. Get your tickets and a visa

And that’s super-duper exciting right?

Except what happens if you have a break-in in your PG and your precious equipment is taken?

What if you get dengue and the hospital bills ruin any plans for travel?

What if your personal trainer pushes you just a wee bit too hard and you end up with a sprain?

What if you get terribly sick in Australia, run out of money, and can’t pay the bills?

We live in moments. We live for stories that last a ‘lifetime’ only come from taking the plunge. And that’s cool.

But, so is protecting that dream. Whether its that backpacking trip or that business idea, it’s your baby…

And we get that.

So, we created Toffees for these scenarios.And we made it such that they only take seconds to buy, and are low cost. They cover the risks that could endanger the dream, the plan, the super-fabulous year that 2018 promises to be. Painlessly.

Toffee is just the ‘right bite’ of caution, a security so that nothing will come in the way of your dream.

So pick your Toffee and live large! #Takerisks.

What are your plans for 2018? We love the inspired. We relish others’ excitement and passion. Tell us your story. We’re all ears!



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